For an international marketer, Finland has some important and maybe surprising characteristics. Learn these differences to succeed with your campaigns.

95% of Finns spend time with Sanoma's media every week. We have leading media solutions for all channels from digital, TV, and video to audio, newspapers, and magazines.

Latest News & Articles

sanoma media
25 Sep, 2024
A goal-oriented, data-driven collaboration with Sanoma brings our extensive data and expertise at your fingertips and gives you a clear vision of what to do next in Finland.
teea björklund
25 Sep, 2024
The strategic role of marketing has not really gained a stronger foothold in companies, and it is still often seen as a support function with a communicative and tactical role.
Advertising Finland team
09 Sep, 2024
Native advertising turns the spotlight on your brand and message in a media environment that already attracts interested readers. Reading times reward those who put time and effort into the content.
Jonathan Wilson
31 May, 2024
The road to success is paved with difficult conversations, authenticity, and getting a little crazy, says Professor Jonathan Wilson.

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Contact us

We are the international sales unit of Sanoma, the leading media company in Finland. If you are planning to enter to the market or you already advertise in Finland or, we are happy to help you in finding media solutions that drive your growth plan to business results. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

for Advertisers & Agencies

Sebastian Wikman

for Advertisers

Siiri Medina

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