Programmatic buying has solidified its position as an effective way to advertise to the right target audiences everywhere. It's proven to work wonders in Finland as well, as it's a smart way to promote your brand cost-effectively and with brand safety in mind. We picked the brains of Sanoma's experts to give you the lowdown on how to start programmatic buying in the Finnish market.
According to Sanoma's Digital Strategist, Outi Mäkelä, programmatic buying is an excellent way to buy ad space especially when you're trying to enter a new media market.
"Programmatic is your ticket to mastering an unfamiliar territory. From the buyer's perspective, the process is straightforward and simple, provided you lay the groundwork first. All you need to kick off programmatic buying is a buying platform and a banner or video ad you want to showcase across different media," explains Mäkelä.
In a nutshell, programmatic buying involves buyers and media space sellers communicating through platforms rather than face-to-face discussions. The buyer sets the terms for purchasing ad space, and the platform automatically scouts for suitable ad placements based on these terms. The seller defines the available ad inventory: who can buy ads, what media space is up for grabs, and at what cost.
"So, buying is easy. Once you have your ad buying platform up and running, you can theoretically secure media space from anywhere globally. Our team at Sanoma can help you grasp the unique characteristics of this region and advertise effectively to your precise target audience," says Sanoma's Programmatic Manager, Miia Salmi.
According to experts, the perks of programmatic buying include flexibility and cost-effectiveness. You can launch ad campaigns quickly and tweak them on the go.
"The platforms enable you to monitor campaigns in real-time and react if any adjustments are needed. You're no longer tied to slow email conversations for making changes. You have the reins to steer the success of your campaign," Salmi explains.
Flexibility and solid targeting options make programmatic buying a stellar addition to your marketing toolkit.
"Once your marketing goals are clear and metrics defined, you can use programmatic for standalone campaigns and long-term efforts. Extensive targeting options and the potential to use your own data ensure that your ads find the right pair of eyes," adds Mäkelä.
If you're hesitant about nailing down the correct targeting criteria in an unfamiliar media landscape, partnering up is the way to go. Even within Sanoma's ad network, there's an abundance of targeting criteria available. You don't have to master everything on your own.
"You can always turn to Sanoma's programmatic buying team for help—whether it's about targeting, leveraging your data, campaign planning, or ad optimization. We're ready to tap into Sanoma's insight services and even conduct broader audience research if needed," says Salmi.
Once you have the basics sorted, it's time to consider whether to purchase ads through deals or open auctions. In an open auction, the buyer determines the ad networks where the ad should appear. However, the buying platforms don't consider media quality. If you're optimizing based on, let's say, cost per click, the system will hunt down the lowest cost, regardless of the media environment. On the other hand, deals ensure that ads appear only in high-quality media environments.
"Finland is a bit of an outlier in this sense; deals are very popular here. I usually recommend deals, especially for international advertisers. They come with predefined inventories and streamline targeting," advises Salmi.
Deals also guarantee a brand-safe environment for your ads.
"Remember, Finns place exceptional trust in news media*, and the ads displayed there are considered reliable. From that perspective, deals are a solid choice. They make it easy to advertise your brand in a secure media space. And, of course, you can still opt for open auctions. Many are familiar with them, and they have their own own merits," Mäkelä points out.
According to the experts, the future of programmatic buying holds even broader possibilities for multi-channel advertising. Mäkelä and Salmi predict that programmatic buying will expand in Finland, encompassing more audio and radio ads as well as digital outdoor advertising.
"We want to assure our clients that they always have access to the latest expertise and technologies, regardless of their preferred buying approach. Sanoma is the largest media company in Finland and has the nation's most significant digital development resources. Let's start with programmatic and explore other advertising solutions that could suit your business," Mäkelä summarizes.
* Digital News Report 2023
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