Leevi Parsama, Chair of the Board, Digital Commerce Finland
AI is the biggest trend in e-commerce. It will change all the aspects and functions of digital commerce. Personally, I place customers at the strategic core alongside AI. Companies that harness their own AI agents most effectively to analyse who the company's best customers are, and why they choose to buy from us will be the winners of the next period of growth.
Profound customer understanding, emotional motivations behind purchases and hard variables – data & euros – feature among the main means of coping with the ever-increasing competition against global giants. You need to be genuinely meaningful to your customers, create original content, offer innovative services, and make shopping easy and hassle-free. In essence, this means the ability to manage the customer experience systematically and inspiringly.
In addition, when you identify your own competitive advantages and know how to transform them in your own concept, which is managed with data 24/7, you’re firmly among the winners.