There has always been insecurity in the world. That is why it is crucial to understand that successful business can – and should be – done right now. To help drive businesses forward, Sanoma has partnered with Foppa, a Finnish fintech company that supports customers in their marketing efforts.
When talking about marketing and money well spent, Sanoma’s Account Manager Olavi Kajantie has a message to all marketers:
“Now is not the time to cut back on marketing. On the contrary, you should focus your efforts on branding, storytelling and communicating with customers.”
Kajantie has worked with many Finnish and international companies throughout the years. Whether you have a start-up or an already established company, he says the same fact stands: there’s no point in doing things alone.
To help customers navigate through difficult times and hold their course, Sanoma now offers a helping hand in partnership with Finnish marketing growth investor Foppa.
Together the two companies offer insightful marketing solutions and financing for long-term marketing campaigns. Nils Lindhe, Foppa’s Vice President and partner for Scandinavia, believes that successful marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. To ensure success in the long-term, a partner who helps with financing can be a valuable asset.
“Marketing is a powerful growth driver, but it takes months for the results to accumulate. With Foppa, you can finance all your marketing for up to 12 months in advance, allowing you to free up your cash flow for other things”, Lindhe says.
Lindhe has noticed that business leaders often argue that their companies don’t need to invest in marketing, as their growth hackers already work for visibility.
“That’s great, but definitely not enough,” says Nils Lindhe. He reminds us that companies need to move forward to stay alive.
“If you want to make a profit in the future, you need to tell a story that keeps you interesting in consumer’s minds. You need a long-term strategy for marketing and keeping your brand alive, and yes, that can cost money. But think of it as an investment, not an expense.”
One way to achieve long-term success is to know your audience. Sanoma’s capabilities in targeting and acquiring insight are a valuable tool for any marketer trying to succeed.
“We genuinely want our customers not just to stay alive but to make the best out of their brand, reach clients and be the number one brand people talk about”, Kajantie explains.
According to Nils Lindhe, companies should invest 5-10 % of their total revenue to marketing to maximize profitability. Nielsen´s ROI study from 2022 suggests that on average, European companies spent only 3.8 % of their revenue on marketing.
“Many companies have the possibility to grow if they want to. They just need investors and visionary guidance”, Lindhe points out.
One solution for this is to partner up with Sanoma and Foppa.
“We enable marketing that is effective in the long-term, make sure that your marketing strategy is profitable, and that the payback plan is realistic”, Kajantie concludes.
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